Contrary to popular belief, seasonal colors do not have to be confused with the idea that they shall soon pass and lose hold of someone’s attention. The word seasonal is merely an indication of the idea behind the study of the shades, as well as the timing that is deemed the most appropriate for their use.
For the color study of Nature 2020 we focused on the idea of the seasons of the year, creating not only a selection of solitary shades but a blend of them, inspired by small things that we associate with each season. We then took a selection of pastel shades, neutral tones blending with bright ones, warm as the temperature during the spring and summer day and colder to symbolize the fall and winter nights.
We also studied color combinations to better help the clients to pick from the color palette while still having a balance in the color shades, so to achieve the best result possible.
Nature 2020 presents a selection of 13 different blends, for a total of 39 new colors that are not featured in our classic color palette, because they were selected after a research on market trends as the fashion seasons of spring/summer and fall/winter.