The history of fabric of vegetable origin is extremely ancient, with records that can be traced back to an ancestral period, prior even to animal domestication. Widespread throughout the earth, starting from very distant times, the techniques for the production of fabrics from plants, shrubs and leaves, have been able to adapt from time to time, following the change of said vegetation: to different environmental conditions, different needs of use and variation of raw materials, humans have always managed to exploit in an ingenious way what nature offered.
Through the Cacti series we have tried to connect functionality and symbolism, practical aspect and magical vision together. The raphia fiber weave of the support is decorated with abstract geometries, a tunnel into the plant world: saguaro profiles of the Sonoran desert, reeds of the Indus valley. The passage of time is expressed through the decay of the decorations, obtained through the use of natural dyes; the emergence of the material, the manual interweaving of the fabric that itself becomes an ornament, the fusion of the original texture and human gestures.