
Roman Gardens


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The culture and history of ancient Rome is still present to this day in modern Italy, tangible at every step on the streets, looking around in every city of the country, taking in the beauty of the architecture that has been left us. The cultural and artistic remains from Ancient Rome span from buildings to churches, from paintings to sculpture, a priceless treasure that is still admired to this day. However Roman gardens, a specific kind of fresco that adorned the walls of many beautiful buildings of ancient Roman Empire cities, was almost completely lost, due to the difficulty of preserving the frescos and the Vesuvio eruption that destroyed most of them. But of those that we have still left, we can marvel at the beauty of the landscapes, the artistry required to paint such realistic scenes.

With the Roman Garden collection we want to take a look at what inspired the roman gardens, focus just on the foliage details to shine through. This way, the complicated landscape disappears to leave just the natural details of the plants, which takes a new life with the use of color, from a bolder look to a more softer, natural one. We homage the tradition and reinvent it to fit a more modern aesthetic, the same way Ancient Rome artists took inspiration from Greek images and mythology and transformed it into their own vision, infusing it with their own culture and their own idea of beauty.

Roman garden art took the beauty of nature and captured it forever with paint, no more prey of the weather and the passing of time, still in the moment to be admired by the inhabitant of the villas. Once again, nature inspires humanity since the beginning of times.


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